My Government is therefore in favour and is striving to ensure that this commission also comes together at ministerial level during its yearly meetings.
For my delegation there are the following priorities. They must prove to be dynamic instruments to further worldwide cooperation in combating serious global problems. We shall strengthen our cooperation with developing countries as well as with the countries of Eastern Europe and the CIS to help them also to make a prompt start in the implementation of these Conventions. To this end we will allocate DM 10 million in additional funds in 1993 for short-term programmes for the rapid implementation of both Conventions.
Let me now turn to specific issues which we expect FAO to act upon concerning Item 7 of our Agenda
Secondly, new forms of international economic relations are necessary to improve living conditions. For the people in developing countries it is necessary to strengthen and to make full use of their own capacities rather than that they should be recipients of external support. Therefore, we must continue to break down trade barriers and open up our markets.
Thirdly, new economic behaviour and new living patterns: an essential element of sustainable economic behaviour and sustainable living patterns lies primarily in changes to our own behaviour as producers and consumers. We, the industrialized countries, have a particular responsibility in this regard given the major part we play in global environmental damage. Only by gearing in particular economic energy, transport and agricultural policy towards the principle of sound environmental practice will it be possible to achieve sustainable development.
Fourthly, sustainable development cannot be achieved without a responsible population policy. My neighbour, the Representative of France, stressed for good reasons the necessity of giving demographic questions a special importance in the work of the Organization.
Fifthly, technical cooperation, the spreading of knowledge and capacity building: modern environmentally sound technologies must increasingly be used throughout the world, in particular in the field of energy and transport and in agricultural production. Enlarging the institutional and technical capacities, in particular in developing countries, for choosing and applying suitable and adaptive technologies is therefore a major element in German bilateral cooperation in the field of environment and development.
Sixthly, and not lastly, adequate financial support of these activities: in Rio the Federal Chancellor, Dr Kohl, made clear our determination to live up to our responsibility for the developing countries. In spite of the exceptional situation in the wake of German unification and our extremely large contribution to the process of reconstruction in the East of our country, we will make every effort to do justice to the financial commitment made in Rio. We continue to support the tripling of the volume of the global environmental facilities combined with a fair burden sharing. The ongoing restructuring of the global environment facility should be concluded promptly, including in particular an adequate participation of developing countries in terms of decision making.
We are also prepared for the provision of further relief within the framework of debt servicing agreements of the Paris Club if the resources thus released are made available for measures to protect and maintain the environment.
The Agenda 21 programme areas in Annex 1 of document CL 102/6 are a checklist of great relevance to FAO’s programmes and also a reminder to member countries – developed and developing nations alike – for UNCED implementation.
First, the immediate ratification and prompt start of the Conventions on Climate Change and on Biodiversity
The knowledge and awareness of the negative consequences of intensive and onesided unbalanced agricultural practices on climate and on natural resources in particular soil, water, forests and others, including plant and animal genetic resources – have increased, but also technical possibilities have grown to remedy inadequate management systems and to bring environment and agricultural land use into better harmony.